Fields Of The Nephilim - "Elizium"
Wieczór Płytowy


Fields Of The Nephilim - Elizium

Audycja dzięki

Grzegorz Fik - data

Grzegorz Fik - komentarz

Grzegorz Fik - opis


1. Fields of the Nephilim - (Dead but Dreaming)

2. Fields of the Nephilim - For Her Light

3. Fields of the Nephilim - At the Gates of Silent Memory

4. Fields of the Nephilim - (Paradise Regained)

5. Fields of the Nephilim - Submission

6. Fields of the Nephilim - Sumerland (What Dreams May Come)

7. Fields of the Nephilim - Wail of Sumer

8. Fields of the Nephilim - And There Will Your Heart Be Also

Płyty wykorzystane w ramach audycji

Fields of the Nephilim - Elizium (1990)