Depeche Mode - Ultra (1997)
1. Depeche Mode - Barrel of a Gun
2. Depeche Mode - The Love Thieves
3. Depeche Mode - Home
4. Depeche Mode - It's No Good
5. Depeche Mode - Uselink
6. Depeche Mode - Useless
7. Depeche Mode - Sister of Night
8. Depeche Mode - Jazz Thieves
9. Depeche Mode - Freestate
10. Depeche Mode - The Bottom Line
11. Depeche Mode - Insight
12. Depeche Mode - Junior Painkiller
1997-02-22 - Po trzykroć Nieproszony Gość (TPK)
1997-05-10 - Na zamku Karmazynowego Króla (TPK)