Bloodrock - D.O.A.

Tekst utworu

Laying here looking at the ceiling
Someone lays a sheet across my chest
Something warm is flowing down my fingers
Pain is flowing all through my back

I try to move my arms and there's no feeling
And when I look I see there's nothing there
The face beside me stopped it totally bleeding
The girl I knew has such a distant stare

I remember
We were flying along and hit something in the air
I remember
We were flying along and hit something in the air

Then I looked straight at the attendant
His face is pale as it can be
He bends and whispers something softly
He says there's no chance for me

I remember
We were flying along and hit something in the air
I remember
We were flying along and hit something in the air

Life is flowing out my body
Pain is flowing out with my blood
The sheets are red and moist where I'm lying
God in Heaven, teach me how to die

I remember
We were flying along and hit something in the air
I remember
We were flying along and hit something in the air

Tłumaczenie Tomasza

Pamiętam, lecieliśmy i uderzyliśmy w coś w powietrzu
Widzę sufit
Coś ciepłego spływa mi po palcach
Ból przenika plecy
Tracę czucie
Wszystkie organy powoli się wyłączają
A potem słychać już tylko zawodzenie karetki

Tłumaczenie zaprezentowane dnia 1995-06-03


1995-06-03 - Straszne "kuku" (TPK)

1995-07-22 - Audycja (TPK)

1996-01-13 - Rick Wakemen i Thin Lizzy w rolach głównych (TPK)

1996-11-02 - Spojrzeć w przeszłość (TPK)

1998-12-05 - Gotycki koncert. W roli głównej: XIII Stoleti i The Gallery (TPK)

1999-05-08 - Bez ceregieli (TPK)