Marianne Faithfull - File It Under Fun From the Past

Tekst utworu

Do you remember me,
Do you remember anything ?
Don't pretend I didn't make you laugh,
File it under fun from the past.

Well, I'm looking 'round the room
Some of the people I've loved.
Guess I remember everything
File it under fun from the past.

I could have been a contender, a contender for your love
I would have given you everything if I only knew how.
I would have given you everything if I only knew how, only knew how,
I could have been a contender, a contender for your love.
File it under fun from the past,
File it under fun from the past.

It was only you, it was always only you.
I never saw what other people bought,
I never cared what they thought.
Well, I'm looking 'round the room, some of the people I've loved,
Guess I remember everything.
File it under fun from the past.

You could have been a contender, a contender for my love.
I would have given you everything if I only knew how, only knew how.
I would have given you everything if I only knew how, only knew how,
You could have been a contender, a contender for my love.
File it under fun from the past,
File it under fun from the past.

Do you remember me,
Do you remember anything ?
Don't pretend that it'll make you laugh,
File it under fun from the past.

Well, I'm looking 'round the room
Some of the people I've loved.
Guess I remember everything,
File it under fun from the past.

I could have been a contender, a contender for your love,
I could have given you everything if I only knew how, only knew how.
I would have given you everything if I only knew how, only knew how,
I could have been a contender, a contender for your love.
File it under fun from the past,
File it under fun from the past.

Tłumaczenie Tomasza

Pamiętasz mnie?
Pamiętasz cokolwiek?
Nie udawaj, że nie było wesoło
Zakataloguj to pod hasłem rozrywki przeszłości

Rozglądam się po pokoju
Wspominam bliskich memu sercu
I chyba pamiętam wszystko
Lecz przede wszystkim ciebie
Bo zawsze chodziło tylko o ciebie

Nigdy nie interesowali mnie inni
Ani to co myślą
To mnie mogła przypaść Twoja miłość
A Tobie cały świat
Gdybyśmy tylko potrafili to sobie dać

Tłumaczenie zaprezentowane dnia 1999-12-11


1999-10-23 - Noc z Lacrimosą (TPK)

1999-11-27 - Przedostatnia audycja Tomasza (TPK)

1999-12-11 - Ostatnia audycja Tomasza (TPK)

2000-12-23 - Rocznica odejścia Tomasza (Noc Muzycznych Pejzaży) (WSP)